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Housing Committee Minutes 11/02/09
Chilmark Housing Committee
Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 2, 2009 at 4:30 p.m.
Present:  Andy Goldman, Chair, Sheila Muldaur, Tim Lasker, Jim Feiner, Bill Randol
Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant
Absent:   Roland Kluver

Call To Order:
Mr. Goldman, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:32 pm.

Meeting Minutes:
Review of Minutes from October 19, 2009 Minutes. Minutes approved as presented.

New Business:
Homesite Housing Lot Cost Base:
Breakdown of development costs:
The Committee looked at the Middle Line Road Pro Forma costs presented and concluded that without adding the price of land, which the town will own, the cost of development is around $21,000 per unit. The committee agreed that the $20k amount as originally presented as the Homesite Cost Base was an accurate assessment for each Homesite Lot development price.
The Committee agreed that $20k should be the assessed in one lump payment upfront, as the interest payments amortized over long duration would add excessive expense to the Homesite Applicants.
>The Housing Committee agreed to send a letter to the Selectmen suggesting the one time payment of $20,000.00 for Homesite Lot Cost Base for Middle Line Road Homesite Lots in one payment.

Questions concerning Lottery procedure and Preferences:
(Refer to Implementation Guidelines)
The Committee discussed the lottery procedure, including the DCRHA’s lottery procedure throughout the island towns. The procedure is clearly outlined in the Housing Committee’s Implementation Guidelines. It is a three lottery process that takes into account preferences for Chilmarkers and then Islanders, and then anyone qualified to enter the lottery. There had been some question as to whom and how applicants qualify and how the lottery is done.
The committee discussed adding a preference that would apply to children who “grew up” in Chilmark and how to define “grow-up” in Chilmark? It was considered that this would give an additional preference for those who have lived here more than five years.
>The committee agreed to consider an additional preference that should include a definition of “growing-up” in Chilmark as a time of ten years or more.

CORI reports:
What information would disqualify someone?
What does the committee need to know about an applicant to make a decision?
The Housing Committee members discussed the details of what information a CORI report would hold. It was described as red-light/green light process and that if the committee received a negative determination of an applicant, then they would pursue the specifics of that information as to ascertain why a negative determination was given.               

>Committee agreed that should there be a negative CORI report, those details would be investigated at that point.       

Rental Assistance:
The DCRHA has requested from The Chilmark Housing Committee that the town increase its number of recipients from 4 to 5 situations, increasing the rental assistance budget $6683.00. (Currently the budget has $1200.00 not allocated) The committee would like to request this additional funds being allocated to the rental assistance program. The concern was of a fiscal nature; refer to town accountant and CPC for determination of whether this is appropriate.
>The Committee requested a letter to the CPC encouraging them to allocate funds in this amount. $625.00 in rent, plus fees, more a month to rental assistance allocation adding a 5th person to Chilmark’s program.
Rental Assistance/ MLR Rental Situation:
The Committee had a brief discussion whether or not those in the rental assistance program in Chilmark should be approached about the possibility of living at Middle Line Road Rental Housing.
>The committee agreed that we should pursue surveying those in the program to see if they would be interested in renting at MLR.

        MLR CAC update:
        >Estimates should be in by Tuesday, November 3, 2009
        >Utility Bid may involve a protest from the low bidder.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 17, 2009 @ 4:00pm

Next CHC meeting: December 7, 2009 which is same night Scheduled for STM
        -Would committee like to change meeting to December 8, 2009?

With no other new business to discuss, Mr. Goldman closed the meeting at 5:30 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant.